Value Creator
Fortius Capital unlocks an array of value for investors, end users and surrounding communities via the acquisition, development, management and eventual sale of each portfolio investment.
- Process is foundational to performance:
- Find -> Underwrite -> Finance
- Develop -> Stabilize -> Dispose/Hold

Deal Architect
Fortius Capital offers a fee and investment structure that is fully aligned with investors. The firm directly invests alongside members in all projects and will never ask an LP to personally guarantee partnership debt.
- Fortius employees are awarded a portion of the firm’s carried interest to incentivize consistent performance.

Vested Manager
Our members bet on the jockey, not the horse. A “single-asset-class-sponsor” is confirming an investment’s success is largely correlated to how well that overall sector performs. We look at deals differently.
- The firm identifies assets that are undervalued, under-managed, misunderstood, or all three.

Interested in investing with us?
Accredited investors seeking to diversify their portfolio
with real estate in mountain markets may consider investing.